
Materiality (priority issues) and Results

Materiality Identification Process

In order to achieve our Corporate Principles, while working through our business to tackle the challenges faced by society, we must take steps to improve corporate value. In preparation for achieving this, in 2021, the Group identified materiality (priority issues), established KPIs and began initiatives aimed at accomplishing these goals.

STEP 1 We have organized the issues by referring to the SDG Compass, SDG Industry Matrix, and the Japanese version of “Integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into Corporate Reporting: A Practical Guide”
STEP 2 The issues we had thus far organized were prioritized in accordance with the SDG target principles, and from these we selected key targets on which the Group will focus
STEP 3 After that, we went through a process to establish business objectives that will contribute to key targets, and we set goals for materiality (priority issues) and KPIs
STEP 4 A Sustainability Policy was drawn up by the Board of Directors, and its priority items were determined as KPIs

Sustainability Committee

The purpose of the Sustainability Committee is to promote management with an awareness of sustainability across all companies in the Group, including initiatives to achieve SDGs and a more sophisticated ESG approach in management. The Committee deliberates on the Group’s sustainability policies/strategies, priority issues and other medium- to long-term themes and directions, as well as the monitoring of the progress of KPIs, and brings the matter up to the Board of Directors.
The Sustainability Committee is a discretionary body consisting of nine members, as of July 2024, with the Managing Operating Officer and Head of Corporate Management Division as its chairperson.

Materiality (priority issues)

We have established KPIs in line with the five materiality (priority issues) and are managing their progress. Please refer to the pages of each activity report for initiatives.

Materiality 1: Providing Employment Opportunities

・In order to contribute to resolving the social issue of Japan’s shrinking labor force, we will expand the number of non-Japanese residents to which it provides employment support to 300,000 by FY2024, and 500,000 by FY2030.
・By leveraging the power of education and technology, we will support the career changes of 30,000 people by FY2030 as they shift from labor-intensive sectors to specialized areas of talent.

1-1. Total number of overseas nationals hired by the company and the total number of employees using employment support and services for overseas nationals offered by the company
(People) FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025 FY2030
Number of Employment Support Employees, etc. Plan 23,000 39,000 131,600 303,800 400,000 600,000
Actual 22,296 23,972 46,586 77,867
Achievement Rate 104.2% 119.5% 59.2%

*Plan: Cumulative total from 2021 to the end of the fiscal year

1-2. Number of Specialist Personnel Employees (Career Change)
(People) FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025 FY2030
Number of Specialist Personnel Employees
(Career Change)
Plan 2,609 5,309 8,009 10,709 13,544 30,000
Actual 2,781 3,561 7,620 11,556
Achievement Rate 136.5% 143.5% 144.3%

*Plan: Cumulative total from 2021 to the end of the fiscal year

Materiality 2: Providing high-quality education

・To provide high-quality education opportunities for achieving career advancement, we will provide our global training program to a total of 300,000 users by FY2030. Through this effort, we will support employment in productive positions and contribute to increasing people’s motivation at work.

Expected total number of employees participating in career advancement education, etc. (including education on qualifications and product knowledge, etc.), and education programs
(People) FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025 FY2030
Number of Participants Plan 21,078 42,538 66,935 93,930 123,954 322,201
Actual 17,664 24,631 60,022 97,491
Achievement Rate 116.9% 141.1% 145.7%

*Plan: Cumulative total from 2021 to the end of the fiscal year

Materiality 3: Respecting Diversity and Implementing Diversity Management

・We will promote and strive to achieve the ideal society in which women can actively participate by increasing the ratio of female officers* (over the total number of Officers) to 30% by FY2030. 
*Officers: Directors from OUTSOURCING Inc.

Female Ratio Among the Managing and Executive officers
(%) FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025 FY2030
Female ratio Plan 27.3% 27.3% 27.8% 26.3% 28.6% 31.8%
Actual 20.0% 27.3% 26.7% 29.4%
Achievement Rate 100.0% 97.8% 105.8%

*As of the end of the fiscal year (December 31)
*For fiscal year 2023, Executive Officers are included as the officers.

Materiality 4: Making Greater Efforts Toward the Realization of a Carbon-Free Society

・By FY2025, we will replace all vehicles used in sales activities by Japanese group companies with next-generation vehicles (electric, hybrid, etc.). By FY2030, 70% of the vehicles used by the entire Group, including our overseas companies, will be next-generation vehicles.

Materiality 5: Raising the Productivity of All Industries

・By using leading-edge digital technologies and the expertise in production that we have accumulated across a wide range of industries around the globe, we will train 100,000 people by FY2030 across the world to become specialists who can improve the productivity of industries, thus making a contribution to raising the productivity of the entire world.

Number of Specialist Personnel Employees for Productivity Improvement
(People) FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025 FY2030
Number of Specialist Personnel Employees Plan 42,300 48,497 54,349 58,965 63,370 100,000
Actual 25,582 43,385 45,421 43,898
Achievement Rate 102.6% 93.7% 80.8%

*As of the end of the fiscal year (December 31)